Friday, June 6, 2008

Nailed; plus 1944

Our stay in western PA has me working hard in Florida like weather. It was in the high 80's the last couple of days and 92 today. We are helping my mother clean out her garage and basement of 49 years of accumulation. My father did not throw anything out. Might need it someday.

My mother rented a 15 yard trash/junk container and we have pretty much filled it up. During the process I stepped on a board with a rusty nail. The nail penitrated my shoe and into the ball of my right foot. So I had to make a trip to the doctor for a tetnus shot.

By the way for you people who have Cigna health care. I called them to find out which doctor to go to. Cigna said it didn't make any difference: I didn't have any standard health coverage since I was out of my home area! However, I could go to any emergency room! So for you fellow Cigna people, don't travel out of you home area, you have no standard health care coverage- even if you are in a Cigna area other than your home area.

We are taking the weekend off to go do fun things, then back to work on Monday.

Now for 1944. While going through some of my fathers papers, I came across his federal income tax return from 1944. My father, age 22 at the time, spent '44 as a bomber pilot in the 15th Air Force first based in North Africa then based in Italy. He flew combat missions over the Alps to bomb Germany. For this he was paid $870 for the year. He was an officer/pilot and supposedly paid more than GI's. I can only imagine what the infantry was paid.

Lastly, let's not forget the tremendous bravery and sacrifice made by Allied Forces on D-Day, June 6th, 1944. American casulties exceeded 5000 that day . The Brits and Canadians also sufferd heavy losses. We owe them more than we can express or repay.

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