Wednesday, May 7, 2008

First Post

Well I finally got around to our first post. I had promised friends that I would start posting in January but life got in the way and there have been big delays.

Unfortunately I (Terry) had my father pass away in January only 10 days after a close friend had passed away. During February and early March we had two close friends that lost parents, also. So we were tied up with funerals for weeks.

That put us weeks behind our preparations for our extended trip that starts May 18th. So I have been getting the motorhome ready by changing the engine oil, hydraulic oil, transmission fluid, rear axle oil, generator oil…

I do these things myself so that I know that they are done correctly. That also lowers the cost by doing the labor myself. Plus I use synthetic products for superior lubrication.

Right now we have the motorhome in Orlando at a Newmar dealer for some warranty work- new carpet, replacement of the living room slide out cover, a new kitchen cabinet door, the frig needs a new control panel, and a couple of other things. Additionally, there will be some bodywork done to fix some damage inflicted on the driver’s side rear corner of the rv when the main pilot (me) rubbed the rv against a guardrail while trying to maneuver into a tight area to get propane.

Now we are tied up preparing the house for our extended absence. So with 11 days to go for launch we have been busy.

Speaking of cats, we took the cats to the vet for their annual physical, shots, etc. While there the vet casually said that the cats were due for a blood test to make sure everything
is working well. We had never had blood tests done on the cats before, so we said sure, why not. Well the why not is $168 per cat! After all was said and done, we were out of $751! Anyone want a free cat?

Well this has not been the better of first posts but at least it gets things rolling. I plan on making a couple of posts per week, which will include pictures as well as commentary, on whatever our trip and life brings.

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